In the last part, we installed kubelet on all nodes. In this part, we’re gonna bootstrap the three key components of a kubernetes cluster
API Server
Controller Manager
And we’re gonna deploy other key add-ons using the kubenertes cluster
In additional, we’ll add a custom namespace for deploying my workload, to isolate them from the kube-system apps.
We take advantage of bootkube to serve the purpose. bootkube introduces the concept of self-hosted control panel for kubernetes. It means that Kubernetes runs all required and optional components of a Kubernetes cluster on top of Kubernetes itself, the detailed introduction can be found here. In a nutshell, bootkube provides a temporary Kubernetes control plane that tells a kubelet to execute all of the components necessary to run a full blown Kubernetes control plane.
To make bootkube run with bootkbe start, we have to prepare the specs in a folder structures like this:
This starts the bootkube process on the above prepared assets, and it will go through the following stages:
tls folder and bootstrap-manifests folder will be copied to /etc/kubenetes/ as bootstrap-secrets and manifests
By define the kubelet agent will pick of the manifests and run the pods defined there, which will give us the temporary control panel
It will then run through the manifests folder and create all the objects defined inside.
Once the new control panel components are up and running, bootkube will destroy the temporary control panel and remove the temporary assets.
Up to this point, the final Kubernetes cluster is up and running.
In the final api server definition, you’ll have to set the –apiserver-count to 3 in order to kubenertes services to pick up 3 endpoints.
There are many certs and keys to set for TLS security, be careful as if wrong files are used, thing will break.
There’re a few services defines at the same time, since we’ve reserved an IP for DNS service, we’ll have to pre-define the cluster IP for all other services being bootstrapped here so that they won’t occupy the cluster IP for the DNS service if they get created first.
Let’s have a brief introduction for the add-ons we’ll deploy:
flannel: provides cluster level container networking, it enables containers on different nodes to reach each other.
proxy: provides in-cluster traffic proxying and load balancing for services, to be specific, it routes traffic to a service to its underlying pods.
dns: provides in-cluster DNS resolution for services. e.g. a service can be found at service-name.namespace.svc.cluster-dns-name, a pod can be found at pod-ip-address.namespace.pod.cluster-dns-name
heapster: provides nodes resource usage analysis and monitoring.
pod-checkpointer: provides disaster recovery, it ensures that existing local pod state can be recovered in the absence of an api-server.
dashboard: provides the information of you cluster and enables you to manipulate your cluster.
ingress-controller: provides entry points for the Internet to use the services inside the cluster.
Other resources that gets created:
role-binding: Kubernetes supports Role Based Access Control (RBAC), this binds the default service account in the kube-system namespace to the cluster-admin role, which grants applications under this service account full access to the cluster resources.
namespace: creates a new namespace called tds-cloud, you can change it to whatever you like.
# START SERVICE ACCOUNT service_account_key = service_account_pubkey = service_account_key.public_key
service_account_key_file="provisioning/roles/bootkube/files/tls/service-account.key", "wb") service_account_key_file.syswrite(service_account_key.to_pem) service_account_key_file.close service_account_pubkey_file="provisioning/roles/bootkube/files/tls/", "wb") service_account_pubkey_file.syswrite(service_account_pubkey.to_pem) service_account_pubkey_file.close # END SERVICE ACCOUNT
# START BOOTKUBE MANIFESTS data ="provisioning/roles/bootkube/files/kube-apiserver-secret.tmpl") data = data.gsub("{{CA_CRT}}", Base64.strict_encode64(kube_cert.to_pem)) data = data.gsub("{{APISERVER_CRT}}", Base64.strict_encode64(apiserver_cert.to_pem)) data = data.gsub("{{APISERVER_KEY}}", Base64.strict_encode64(apiserver_key.to_pem)) data = data.gsub("{{SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PUB}}", Base64.strict_encode64(service_account_pubkey.to_pem)) data = data.gsub("{{ETCD_CA_CRT}}", Base64.strict_encode64(etcd_cert.to_pem)) data = data.gsub("{{ETCD_CLIENT_CRT}}", Base64.strict_encode64(etcd_client_cert.to_pem)) data = data.gsub("{{ETCD_CLIENT_KEY}}", Base64.strict_encode64(etcd_client_key.to_pem))
data ="provisioning/roles/bootkube/files/kube-controller-manager-secret.tmpl") data = data.gsub("{{CA_CRT}}", Base64.strict_encode64(kube_cert.to_pem)) data = data.gsub("{{SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY}}", Base64.strict_encode64(service_account_key.to_pem))
kubeconfig_file_etc ="provisioning/roles/bootkube/templates/manifests/kube-controller-manager-secret.yaml.j2", "wb") kubeconfig_file_etc.syswrite(data) kubeconfig_file_etc.close # END BOOTKUBE MANIFESTS end
Tips: You have to specify the domains and IP you pre-defined for your api server in the san field in your api server server.crt to make TLS work properly.
Now let’s take a look at the tasks in the bootkube role:
master03: Kubernetes is starting. As a progress check, the list of running pods master03: will be periodically printed. master03: NOTE: this may take 20 minutes or more depending on Internet throughput. master03: ~1GB of data will be downloaded.
..... ..... ..... .....
master03: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE master03: heapster-2916422426-5qdsn 2/2 Running 2 3d master03: kube-apiserver-qqlk9 1/1 Running 1 3d master03: kube-apiserver-t5n11 1/1 Running 1 3d master03: kube-apiserver-xrrdx 1/1 Running 1 3d master03: kube-controller-manager-2058582590-5htg3 1/1 Running 1 3d master03: kube-dns-2425598031-9w0nv 3/3 Running 3 3d master03: kube-flannel-1x8n1 2/2 Running 4 3d master03: kube-flannel-2s893 2/2 Running 3 3d master03: kube-flannel-wctf8 2/2 Running 3 3d master03: kube-flannel-z5dps 2/2 Running 3 3d master03: kube-proxy-8gzb8 1/1 Running 1 3d master03: kube-proxy-g8z33 1/1 Running 1 3d master03: kube-proxy-ql4mp 1/1 Running 1 3d master03: kube-proxy-t6bjw 1/1 Running 1 3d master03: kube-scheduler-2957171631-8ltmz 1/1 Running 1 3d master03: kubernetes-dashboard-331296467-2vd4f 1/1 Running 1 3d master03: pod-checkpointer-0s0d1 1/1 Running 1 3d master03: 1/1 Running 1 3d master03: pod-checkpointer-68wkg 1/1 Running 1 3d master03: 1/1 Running 1 3d master03: pod-checkpointer-d2j8b 1/1 Running 1 3d master03: 1/1 Running 1 3d master03: Kubernetes has started successfully! master03: master03: Setup your local kubelet, after your configure it properly and set the context to vagrant, you can login to the dashboard by running master03: master03: kubelet proxy master03: master03: Dashboard address: http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/ master03: master03: The login token is: master03: xxxxxxxxxxxx
To take a look at your cluster, you should configure your kubectl to use the kubeconfig secrets and run
kubeclt proxy
Once the proxy is running, you can access your cluster using the dashboard URL locally from your browser http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/
Choose the toke from outputted from the above to authenticate yourself and once you login you’ll find your workload for kube-system as follows:
Up to this point, your Kubenertes cluster with 3 masters and 1 worker is up and running. In part 5, we’ll deploy some services on the cluster and expose the services using Ingress.